Our member of Margaluyu Pusat from Pamulang plant (include under Tangerang district West Java) who were complete exercise the mandatory form (jurus) Margaluyu Pusat, Had have Harkatan recitation by our senior bapak Idit Junaidi at Cikuya Cicalengka Bandung on March 3, 2008. The Harkatan is meaning to have right in using all anything related to the Margaluyu Pusat knowledge base, Bapak Sutisna is the oldest one among them. Rama Wijaya (fortunately is the son of bapak Sutisna) is the senior Margaluyu Pusat has an eyewitness in this process. Congratulation Pamulang plant members. Insya Allah Margaluyu Pusat will lead you all to have more better lifes content and able to create a more good lifes story in the future, Amin.
note: the pictures is courtesy by ki Sawung