Jun 4, 2011

The Recitation "Harkatan" MLP in Makassar Celebes

The Recitation "Harkatan" for the members Gerak Badan Pencak Margaluyu Pusat (MLP) Makassar Regional has been done on 21st ~ 22nd May 2011.
The Recitation was conducted at the Youth Islamic Secretariat Office in The Islamic Center Al Markaz Complex Makassar City. Congratulation to the all of the Member MLP there. Thanks to bapak Kusnadi the leader of the MLP Makassar who have preparing all facilities.

Although instead of the event, The MLP Parepare has been officially establish. Bapak Bambang Sarkoro the Chairman of the MLP compliment the Decisision Notice to the MLP Parepare Secertary.