Nov 21, 2013
The Recitation "Harkatan" MLP in Siak - Riau Province
The Recitation "Harkatan" for the members Gerak Badan Pencak Margaluyu Pusat (MLP) in Kabupaten. Siak, Riau Regional has been done on 16th - 17th November 2013 leads by Kasepuhan MLP Cikuya and pak Adi Nuryono from MLP Central Java Region.
Appreciate to bapak Abdul Karim who was voluntary to facilitate Us and eventually the recitation "Harkatan" is running smoothly.
Jun 4, 2011
The Recitation "Harkatan" MLP in Makassar Celebes
The Recitation was conducted at the Youth Islamic Secretariat Office in The Islamic Center Al Markaz Complex Makassar City. Congratulation to the all of the Member MLP there. Thanks to bapak Kusnadi the leader of the MLP Makassar who have preparing all facilities.
Although instead of the event, The MLP Parepare has been officially establish. Bapak Bambang Sarkoro the Chairman of the MLP compliment the Decisision Notice to the MLP Parepare Secertary.
May 17, 2011
Dec 12, 2010
MLP Videos Clip Pirated by the Margaluyu 151 RJF TUBAN

Recently has Acknowledged the MLP's Video clip had pirated by the Margaluyu 151 RjF Tuban admins. the RJF stand for Rudi Julian Fransesco. He is a member of Margaluyu 151 Tuban.
At leas two videos clip were pirated and loaded onto the Margaluyu 151 blog.
As investigate, the Margaluyu 151 has not bearing a primary domain, therefore they are using free paid facilities such as blog or free account like Facebokl.
Nov 17, 2010
Gerak Suro Summit
Gerak Badan Pencak Margaluyu Pusat in the near future will going to held "Gerak Suro Summit" in relation with Hijriah New Year 1st Muharam 1432 or 1st Suro 1944 Caka.
As Host is Margaluyu Pusat Cabang Semarang,
Venues :
Pelataran Candi Gedung Songo, Bandungan Ambarawa.
Monday 6th December 2010.
To all member who had opprtunity to present this summit, kindly advise to cal Mas Asep Susanto or
Mass Wawan via FaceBook in order better arranggement.
Thank You
Oct 12, 2010
Q: There is rumor that is Margaluyu originate from the Mataram Kingdom
A: False.
Q: But actually its said by the supreme master Margaluyu 151.
A: False, just like an illusion, there was no evident. none proof can be provide by the master 151
Q: He said that Eyang Andadinata is the servant and the pupil of Sultan Agung the king of Mataram Kingdom
A: that’s not true. Its illogical history. When Eyang Andadinata born, the Mataram kingdong has collapse.
Q: Is Eyang Andadinata ages nearby 400 years old ?
A: disgrace.. illogical...., eyang Andadinata was born on 1893, while King sultan Agung admin the rule of the Mataram on 1613 ~ 1645. Its reallyImpossible both of them ever meet together.
Q: The Supreme Master Margaluyu 151 said that ilmu Margaluyu coming from ilmu suradira jayaningrat lebur dening pangastuti which is establish on June 6,1555 in Yogyakarta in Mataram kingdom Era ?
A: Its not true.. really not accountable story.
On 1555 the Mataram kingdom has not yet build. Yogyakarta still junggle called alas mentaok.
Suradira jayaningrat lebur dening pangatuti is a kind of way of life philosophy. Its not a self defense system or martial arts
A What is Margaluyu ?
Q Margaluyu is a self defense system or martial art genuine from West Java. The founder is abah Andadintata (deceased). Establish on 1938,.
Q: Its confirm that is Margaluyu not coming from Mataram
A: absolutely confirm. Margaluyu is original from Wes Jawa, Cikuya Cicalengka Bandung.
Oct 6, 2010

1. Eyang Andadinata is a servant and pupil of Sultan Agung the King of Mataram Kingdom.
2. Ilmu "suradira jayaningrat lebur dening pangastuti" is claim as a genuine of ilmu margaluyu establish on June 6, 1555 at Yogyakarta in Mataram Kingdom Era.
3. Eyang Andadinta deceased at June 6, 1969 and it does not know where was buried.
4. Eyang Andadinata has 394 years old.
On behalf of Andadinata (decease) Family in Cikuya Cicalengka Bandung release and confirm
Thank you