Recently has Acknowledged the MLP's Video clip had pirated by the Margaluyu 151 RjF Tuban admins. the RJF stand for Rudi Julian Fransesco. He is a member of Margaluyu 151 Tuban.
At leas two videos clip were pirated and loaded onto the Margaluyu 151 blog.
As investigate, the Margaluyu 151 has not bearing a primary domain, therefore they are using free paid facilities such as blog or free account like Facebokl.
unanimous the Gerak Badan Pencak ML151 has never teaching the pencak silat. Even they marking as Paguron Pencak.
ReplyDeleteUndoubted pirating the video from other source is the one way to promote their paguron. As the pencak silat fans, pirating action as done by the Margaluyu 151 pupils are disgrace.
Expecting the seniors of ML151 should be taking alert and responsible to sexpress apologize to the Margaluyu Pusat.
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